Hello, friends this is simple editing, takes very less time, one more thing is used only 2 materials. Let me show you how to make and what are the requirements to create this water paint editing, we don’t used any previously used materials for this creation.
How To Create Colourful Water Paint Love Lyrical Editing For Whatsapp
I have created this video in mobile application, that is kinemaster, you can use it too. If you don’t know how to use app, check our tutorial.
If you want to create breakup or love failure editing, click here

Download files from this paper.
1) background green screen video link:- Download
For more understand I have added screen shots images here.
2) lyrics video link:- Download
Once you save files, open kinemaster app, set all settings as your wish, next upload first file set length, next second file. Add your personal images.
Very method applied here friends, even though if you have any error kindly ask us where ever you following me. This is our new editing for more new files keep following us. Thank you all.