This is very beautiful natural background applied love lyrical video with gf images or friend images on this editing with most hearble lyricals. This is not a complex editing, to try in your device just follow our tutorial.
New special animation type lyrical tutorial
Natural Style Love Lyrical Editing
Amazing natural style, greenery, trees, waterfall, background and stunning effect add to create love proposal lyrical editing, to know how to make, check this tutorial.

Install kinenaster app, download given files.
1) background image link :- click here
2) grass PNG link:- Download
First two files represent background, grass.
3) lyrics video link:- Download
4) flower effect video link:- Download
Next two files are lyrics and flowers effect, now all details you have. Just start process, open kinemaster app, next select screen ratio, you can upload in any social media, so set up all deatail then complete arrangements, finish the exporting and upload as a love proposal.