Hello guys if you are very much excited to create this trending animated love lyrical WhatsApp status video
you need to add beautiful files and templates which makes the video into the extraordinary level and this is the best love WhatsApp status video with book animation which gives special effects to the video.
How to create animated lyrical, Editing process

I had created with a lot of efforts by using all the creativity that I had been used for this editing video it is the best way of editing video which helps to add simple layers .
Which tool helps to make the video into the extraordinary level that is the best way of editing videos which will helps to add the more layers that is very effective which had used so far .
1) book animation green screen video link:- Download
2) flower effect video link:- Download
you need to use kinemaster application right here for creating these awesome with book animated editing video that is very excited to create more and more effects and vehicle videos by your own.
you need to use the template and all the little videos which I had used to create this editing video for beginners with an easy way.
you need to add more and more templates which will help to make save video in a extraordinary look that will make the video into the next level with a powerful look.
If you are very much enthusiastic to create these videos in our channel for more editing videos and subscribe to my channel for latest technology videos.
3) lyrical video link:- Download