Hi, friends if you are bored by adding all the routine templates and lyrical videos then today I am here to show how to create a new sad love lyrical what’s app status video for you.
Local boys Lyrical Editing Status Video, Click here
Step By Step Procedure
You can enjoy this editing video and be happy with this video .
For creating this video download all the links given below .
Add step by step by using our guidelines which makes the video very effectively and gracefully .
Open this app and select the background image from the app itself .
Next add the greenary image with a lot of trees and bushes .

Next add the images of your own and fix to screen where you need .
Next add the template which has a fantastic look to the video .
Next add the lyrical video and set to screen by using blending option .
Next add the beautiful background template which has a fantabulous look to the video .
You can edit all those files by adding in the kinemaster application .
For more information follow us in social media that is Facebook, Instagram and Twitter .
And follow our channel for more interesting videos .
Please share to your friends and family members and get an amazing videos by us by giving your encouragement .
1) background grass PNG link:-
2) trees PNG link
3) sweet heart text link
4) colourful video link
5) background effect to video link
6) lyrical video link
7) border image link