Hello guys if you are very interested to create this new trending upcoming birthday wishes WhatsApp status video then you need to collect all the files which I had given below in a links that are provided in a clear-cut manner which is easy to download.
Colourful love Lyrical Editing Status, how to create
You need to use the kinemaster application and then open these and collect all the features that I had provided which will helps to have the layers and some video quality and resolution for the video which you need to export into gallery of the editing the video in the kinemaster application.
Firstly you need to add all the templates and files in a clear-cut manner so that it will give se better look for the video.
In this editing videos you can find a lot of skills that add used for the creativity of the videos that is very effective to look and will gives a special attraction to the video which I had expressed in this editing video for birthday wishes.
you need to add the lyrical video at last to give the perfect finishing look to the video and will give their trending result to the outside.
if you want to wish your friend a very happy birthday then this video will helps to give your wishes in your status and bless them with your kind heart and lovely things that you need to made for your best friend.
For better understanding purpose what about video and then start editing the video by adding the effective files and templates with lyrical video.

1) happy birthday green screen video link:- Download
2) background video link:- Download
3) background song link:- Download
4) music bar video link:- Download
5) Boder image link:- Download