Hi friends if you want to create this video then watch our video clearly and then start editing this video by following our guidelines.
Earlier template link, get from here
Download all the required links for editing this video.
1) Kinemaster application
2)Background Template
3) Images
4) Lyrical video
5) Smoke effect
Add these step by step by following our procedure which we had shown in the video .
Before editing once watch without any forwards .
So that you can understand easily for editing this video .
If you want to show your single status with happy moments then edit this video .
I hope all you guys loved this editing.

So please do like ,share to your friends and family members .
And comment me how you had edited .
And ask me if you have any doubts .
Feel free to ask .
Subscribe to our channel for latest videos with beautiful templates and lyrical videos .
1) background image link:- Download
2) colourful template link:- Download colourful
3) lyrical video link:- Download Lyrical
4) border image link:- Download now border