Hi friends, are you searching for best status video to upload in whatsapp or other app, there are some direct apps to make and manual methods. If you choose any apps you can use only their backgrounds, but if you create manually, you can arrange in your style.
How To Create 3D Colourful Editing Status For Love Proposal
This is completely manual Editing using kinemaster app and some materials with background sounds.

background image link:- Download
2) colourful template link:- Download
3) lions video link:- Download
First 3 links are background, lions, colourful template materials.
This is special when compare with previous one. 3d creation, let’s try in you mobile using gallery images. Very attractive Template check out now from our demo.
4) lyrical video link:- Download
5) border image link:- Download
Finally you have 5 links download them and create the video using kinemaster app. If you want more information watch our demo.
Thank friends.