Hello friends, in this editing you are going to learn double layer photo editing using alight motion app. Photo moving status editing on android mobile, very quick steps explained. Combine your favourite album photos and create movements to make status video.
Also, try full screen boys attitude editing
Double Layer Photo Moving Status Editing || New Viral Photo Moving Status Editing Alight Motion

How are you going to managing videos to upload in whatsapp status everyday, some people never miss any update, they share all moments through whatsapp and Instagram status, for those people can try new editing skills to get more and more best videos using their and trending topics, like movies, lyrical creations.
We can combined and give moments and other effects to create awesome lyrical editing status in android mobile, after you make you can upload easily on any status.
let me share important points to create this video.
Firs you need alight motion app and template or all material links, get them or download from here.
Next select screen size and import images, once you gather all images and background music. also set quality f video to save. apply full screen images. once you set small steps next you have to upload given template shake effects as a new file, now apply some tricks to applicable here.
All Materials Link;- Click here